【龙港市】Chinese science a closer look

金春蕾 2021-08-13 17:46:47

      Recently, the documentary “extraordinary future: Chinese science stories you don't know” produced by famous Western director Dr. Christopher Riley has attracted extensive attention from all walks of life in the world. The documentary describes China's major and outstanding contributions to aerospace, deep space and deep-sea exploration, artificial intelligence, biomedical science, food and energy in a new way. Not only is this exciting and great scientific achievements, but also the persistence, failure, tears and successes experienced by Chinese scientists on the road of exploration. These scientists have the scientific spirit of cherishing the motherland, pursuing truth and making practical contributions, as well as the spiritual force of working hard and inspiring people.

      If we are afraid of the mountains ahead, then life will always be a backwater. The Mariana Trench is known as the "fourth pole of the earth". With high water pressure, darkness, low temperature and lack of food, it is one of the worst areas on earth. Cui Weicheng, the first deputy chief designer of the Chinese manned submersible Jiaolong, led the scientific research team to 11000 meters of the Mariana Trench in order to better carry out experimental research, which incisively and vividly demonstrated the Chinese people's exploration spirit. In addition, academician Pu Muming, a leading figure in the field of "Chinese brain science", has successfully cloned monkeys with specific brain diseases and cured them as a model in order to find a better experimental animal to study human brain degenerative diseases, which has achieved something that the top team of the National Laboratory of the United States can't do.

      “Nature” is one of the most prestigious scientific magazines with a long history in the world, which is also an international and interdisciplinary weekly magazine. “Nature” promoted the documentary "Chinese science story you don't know" in the current magazine on April 2, 2020. According to the magazine, this is a cutting-edge scientific documentary introducing China's significant and outstanding contributions in the fields of high-energy physics, cosmology, robotics and medicine, and reflects China's leading position in the above fields. Besides, “Nature” also publishes the documentary broadcast link on the home page of its official website and gives key recommendations. It can be seen that this documentary is extraordinary.

      "Science has dangers, and hard work can pass.” The documentary interviewed many well-known Chinese scientists who represent a spirit of the times and affect generations of young people. As a member of the Chinese nation, we are all proud of the achievements made by Chinese scientists and engineers. They come from different research fields and have different research experience. However, the spirit of these people has brought the same touch and encouragement to us.


本文转自:温州网 66wz.com

N 编辑:何文洁责任编辑:陆向东监制:张佳玮