【鹿城区】Fight against poverty, fight for people

高飞飞 2021-09-14 09:47:10

      We usually have a sour memory of the rural areas. A hunchbacked old woman is sitting in front of a shabby house with despair in the eyes. Beside is her grandchild whose face is dirty but the smile is bright. She is playing with stones or treading the puddle. Inside the house, it’s always dark and crowded. Simple furnishings are in a mess. All these result from poverty. Actually, the old and kids are left over in the village. In order to get enough income to support the family, the young adults have to work in the cities in spite of nostalgia. It’s harmful, especially to the children who need parents’ company so much. Frankly speaking, the phenomenon leads to serious social problems in education, mentality, juvenile delinquency and so on.

      The nation is composed of people, and people are all that matter to the nation. The communist Party of China,guided bu General Secretary Xi Jinping keeps thinking about people’s livelihood. In 2012, twenty years after the publication of up and out of poverty by President Xi, he called on people to work together and get rid of poverty. It’s really an unprecedented poverty alleviation in human history.

      Easier said than done. It’s a teamwork and every role plays a very important part. First of all, thanks to the Chinese government who adjusts measures to local conditions and helps develop feature industry. For example, Shaxian county snacks are famous, so local people in Sanming, Fujian province make full use of the feature and develop the tasty food tourism. It attracts tourists at home and even abroad. Secondly, not only local village leaders but also poverty alleviation cadres treat villagers as their own family members. So they serve and help them with heart and soul. It’s better to teach a man fishing than to give him fish. With patience and responsibility, the leaders teach villagers skills and ways to increase income and make life better. Besides, good education is absolutely necessary for development. Now, more and more young adults come back to hometown with rich knowledge after graduation in big cities. Because they don’t have to struggle in the cities. They can find good chances to get self-value in the hometown as well. And they are also eager to make a contribution to the hometown. They usually have new ideas such as with the help of network platform, they do live commerce and make special local products popular around the country or even the world. Last but not the least, we keep a good balance between the economy growth and environment protection. Green mountains and clear water are equal to mountains of gold and silver. So sustainable development is the right long-term policy.

      On February 15th, 2021, President Xi declared on the National Poverty Alleviation Commendation Conference that we’ve achieved the complete victory in fighting against poverty. Recently, there is an eight-episode documentary program called Up and out of poverty gives a panoramic picture of how Chinese finally make it in the fight. It attracts the great attention from mainstream media in many countries. They want to learn the valuable experiences from the good example. Not only Chinese but the world believe with hard-working people and wise government, the Chinese nation will certainly be rich and strong.


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N 编辑:何文洁责任编辑:陆向东监制:张佳玮