正在阅读:【鹿城区】United We Stand

【鹿城区】United We Stand

2022-09-06 10:42:56 李恬汝

     Development is the eternal theme of human society. People all over the world eagerly expect that continuous development will bring a better life. However, affected by COVID-19, the global economy has struggled to recover in recent years. Currently, the development divide between developed countries and backward countries is widening, and international development cooperation is not sufficiently dynamic. As development issues are increasingly marginalized in the international agenda, it can be said that the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is struggling.

     As the world's largest developing country, China is keenly aware that development is not easy. Through the unremitting efforts, China has lifted 770 million rural poor people out of poverty, accounting for more than 70% of the global poverty reduction population during the same period, and achieved the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. At the same time, China is also actively helping developing countries to enhance their development capabilities. Nevertheless, there are undoubtedly still many countries in difficulty. It is clear that support from China alone will not work. Therefore, President Xi Jinping has issued a global development initiative to the international community. He proposed that all countries and all ethnic groups in the world should enjoy equal development opportunities and rights. We should improve the fairness, effectiveness and inclusiveness of global development, so as to address the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development.

     Win-win cooperation promotes sustainable development. In an era of challenge and hope, only the cooperation of all countries can make the world progress. The Belt and Road initiative has connected China with countries in the Middle East and Africa. In this way, the exchange of resources between different countries becomes more convenient. Moreover, it makes communication easier and people of different countries more united.

     United we stand, divided we fall. China will always be a contributor to global development, but it also requires the joint efforts of other countries to make a better planet.

本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com

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