【苍南县】Poverty Eradication in China: Feat as well as Miracle in Human History
Poverty Eradication, a large-scale documentary program launched by CMG (China Media Group), shows something unprecedented that is happening in China." It gives a panoramic picture of how the Communist Party of China (CPC), guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping, led the people of all ethnic groups on targeted poverty alleviation, targeted poverty eradication, and building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
Poverty is a trap, a trap of resources, finance and even thinking. It keeps the poor from moving ahead because nobody knows what to do or where to go. China once stared at poverty in the face. Back in 2013, China had 832 impoverished counties – they covered half of the land. Most of the 100 million poor were farmers. They lived off the land, but were also tied to, and limited by the land.
Since as early as 2012, China has stressed the great importance of "targeted poverty alleviation." As President Xi Jinping once said, "Poverty alleviation has always been a most important part of my work, and I have spent more energy on it than on anything else." Eliminating poverty, achieving common prosperity, helping the poor out of poverty, moving towards a moderately prosperous society, where everyone shares the fruits of development, these are essential elements of socialism and the CPC's constant aims.
Since the PRC's founding 70 years ago, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has helped more than 800 million people out of poverty. The progress was far ahead of the schedule set by the UN Millennium Development Goals. China has reduced its poor population from 98.99 million in 2012 to 5.51 million in 2019, and its registered poor counties from 832 in 2013 to 52 in 2019. Over the past 40 years, China has lifted more than 700 million people out of poverty, representing over 70 percent of the global poverty reduction.
This is a feat as well as a miracle in human history.
Working hard to strengthen the country, Chinese people have made a thriving and prosperous China their mission. They are dedicated to helping China escape from backwardness as quickly as possible and want to ensure that China will soon stand among the ranks of developed nations. China targeted different policies to different regions, including developing business, relocating the poor, compensating farmers in ecologically fragile areas, encouraging education and improving social security. The government-allocated funding for poverty reduction keeps increasing by the year, and a large number of capable officials have also been selected to guide poverty relief work in the impoverished counties. By 2020 people in rural areas should have no worries about food and clothing, be guaranteed education, basic medical care and housing.
The hard-won feat, which came after decades of unremitting efforts by the world's most populous country, bears hope and inspiration for countries worldwide that are also searching for ways to eliminate destitution as well as promote equality and development.
China actively promotes poverty alleviation and actively shares its experience, making a significant contribution to the development of global poverty reduction. China's historic progress in poverty eradication has renewed the hope that terminating privation is possible as long as real and effective actions are taken.
本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com
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