正在阅读:【平阳县】Wait for the wind to blow

【平阳县】Wait for the wind to blow

2022-08-30 09:52:23 赵子怡

     The spring breeze has blown through the long river of time and ushered in a new era. As the so-called long march of one generation after another, the world today has become closely connected. The task of young people in the new era is to build a community with a shared future for mankind

     The opening of the new air route marks the initial formation of the world concept. The proposal of the global village has more forcefully explained that the world concept is becoming clearer and clearer, and the concept of the whole is becoming more and more important.

     The disaster brought by the world war is unprecedented. Almost all countries are filled with misery and suffering. At the time of the outbreak of the epidemic, the whole world was shrouded in the shadow of the epidemic, and no country could stay away. All these are enough to prove that the world has become one, and that every breath and breath between countries are closely related.

     President Xi Jinping’s words are undoubtedly from the perspective of the world, based on the global perspective, rather than with the color of great power, and only for the interests of one country. Nowadays, whether it is the global temperature rise or the violent movement, the whole world needs to face the problem, which is related to the common survival and development of all mankind. Therefore, it is necessary for all countries to promote the common values of all mankind.

     The May 4th Movement made us deeply understand the vigor and boundless power of youth. It is very important to call on the youth of China and the world to take action.

     As a new youth, we should consciously shoulder the heavy hopes given by the times. The spring breeze of the times has already floated to us. The Chinese youth will fold their heavy responsibilities, blow the horn of peace to the world and sing the Chinese melody.

     We all have a dream: to blow the spring breeze into everyone's heart.

本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com

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