【乐清市】The sustainable development of human society which is an opportunity as well as a challenge
UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohamed said the challenges posed by COVID-19, conflict and environmental crises have affected education, health care, gender equality and economic development. She noted that the 2030 Agenda is halfway through the timetable, but "we are not halfway there yet." To do so, the world needs to transform renewable energy, food systems and digital connectivity, and accelerate the pace of "investing in human capital to finance opportunities" to turn crises into opportunities.
China is an advocate of promoting global development. The COVID-19 pandemic has engulfed years of global development achievements, the North-South divide is widening, food and energy security are in crisis, and human society is facing unprecedented challenges. In the face of reality, people of all countries are more eager for peace and development, more vocal in their call for fairness and justice, and more determined in their pursuit of win-win cooperation. Global development initiatives in response to the pressing challenges facing all countries, developing countries in particular, is the China to build after the "area" and a major initiative, core, insist on the development priorities, people centered, pratt &whitney tolerance, innovation drive, the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, action oriented, build the global development community of fate.
Now,the sustainable development of human society faces four main challenges. First, global geostrategic tensions are "not seen in many years", with armed conflicts, terrorism, nuclear crises, refugees and secession posing huge risks. Second, the climate change crisis, with millions of species at risk of extinction, humanity experiencing its hottest decade on record, and "our planet on fire." Third, the rise in global mistrust and the conviction of many that globalisation is bad for them has led to a decline in faith in political institutions. Fourth, digital technology has brought negative effects. Technological development has affected many people's employment, hate speech has spread through the Internet, artificial intelligence technology has brought about autonomous weapons and other worrying products.
In order to better meet challenges, the international community should focus on the following four points. First, the international community should take coherent and coordinated actions to prevent and mediate conflicts, maintain and consolidate peace so as to achieve long-term development. Second, we should vigorously strengthen measures to address climate change. Major emitters of greenhouse gases should make greater efforts to reduce carbon emissions before the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference in November this year. Third, we need to build a fair globalization. To this end, the United Nations has launched a Decade of Action on Sustainable Development Goals. Fourth, we must guide the development of technology in a positive direction, combat cyber crime and cyber hate, bring cyberspace under the rule of law, and ban dangerous artificial intelligence technologies such as autonomous weapons.
本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com
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