【温州广播电视传媒集团】Smart Technology Leads a Better Life
The Smart China Expo 2022, known as an important window to observe the new trend of China's digital economy, was held in Chongqing from August 22 to 24 this year. The annual Smart China Expo has been hosted in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area since 2018 to showcase new products, technologies, business formats and modes of smart technology through conferences, exhibitions, summits and competitions.Themed "Smart Technology: Empowering Economy, Enriching Life," the annual Smart China Expo stressed its importance of becoming a key area of international collaboration.
Nowadays digital technology is changing rapidly with the continuous emergence of new technologies, new forms of industry and new platforms. The digital technology is deepening integration with traditional industries to lead a better and smart life. Traditional manufacturers, such as Chang'an Auto, which boasts a 157-year history, is also upping its game in many areas, including self-driving technology. It will invest more than 20 billion yuan to develop smart cars over next 10 years, so that by 2025 all car functions controlled by voice and vehicles using the latest autopilot systems can be mass-produced, the company said. In addition to smart manufacturing, Liangjiang has introduced information technology to residents' daily lives in 42 smart communities. Residents can enter by flashing their faces past a facial recognition scanner and a smart security system safeguards homes while the owners are away. These changes makes life more convenient and smart.
China is always willing to cooperate with other nations in developing the digital economy and advancing healthy economic growth. Countries should jointly promote integrated development of both the digital economy and the real economy.President Xi has emphasized that China attaches great importance to innovation-driven development and is firmly committed to its new vision for development by accelerating the industrialization of the digital economy and digitization of industries.
本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com
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