【洞头区】“Digital wings” for high-quality development
Today, the digital economy is not just an idea that leads to new governance models that improve people's well-being; it is also a technology that forces companies to upgrade; and it is an era, enlivening resources for the exchange of the world opened a window.
Digital economy is a concept that guides the transformation of people's way of thinking and ADAPTS the social governance model to the development of The Times. We should think about the people's needs, address their needs, and fulfill their wishes. In the past, people thought about solving poverty in a single way. Now, with the guidance of the digital economy, people think about solving problems in a more comprehensive way. For example, targeted poverty alleviation is not limited to traditional government assistance, and e-commerce poverty alleviation has become an important means of poverty alleviation. Through the implementation of rural e-commerce, Zhejiang Province has expanded the marketing channels of agricultural products through multiple channels, and promoted the establishment of long-term and stable production and marketing relations between e-commerce enterprises and poor villages, so that Zhejiang Province has changed from "clear water and green mountains" to "gold and silver mountains".
The digital economy has transformed from an "offline world" to an "online world", facilitating communication and revitalising resources. In the past, geographical barriers were a nightmare for people. Many economic activities were inhibited due to distance, and many resources were not effectively utilized. Now, the Belt and Road initiative initiated by China has revitalized the characteristic resources between countries, helped promote the market economic development of all countries, and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results.
The digital economy has become the trend of the Times. We should not only face up to the social changes brought about by the development of the digital economy, but also adapt to the change trend brought about by the digital economy and let the digital economy boost human development.
本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com
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