正在阅读:【瑞安市】Digital technology: new economy ecology

【瑞安市】Digital technology: new economy ecology

2022-09-21 16:48:43 孙朦朦

     From the tip of the tongue to the tip of the finger, from the field to the workshop, from the ground to the sky, every scene of digital production and digital life has left behind footprints that empower the economy and enrich our lives, and also have great potential for future growth. In the field of education, a large number of high-quality video courseware resources, online Q&A, and interactive communities presented by MOOC provide more ways to promote the equality of basic public education. In terms of medical treatment, the emergence of remote diagnosis and treatment and remote surgery has helped more patients enjoy high-quality medical services in a timely and convenient manner. In terms of social governance, with the widespread application of online listening and online public opinion surveys, the Internet platform has become an increasingly important channel for public participation. In the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, the digital technology has become an important driver to cope with the impact of the pandemic and promote economic recovery. In the manufacturing sector, intelligent manufacturing, supported by the industrial Internet and artificial intelligence, is better able to withstand the impact of the pandemic, and the resumption of work and production has been greatly accelerated. In the modernization of the urban governance system, smart cities play an important role. To achieve precise response to the epidemic and orderly resumption of work, local governments and companies have creatively initiated health codes, which can be scanned to identify effective information on individual epidemic prevention conveniently and efficiently.  

     There is a vivid metaphor: if science and technology and economy are the two edges of a shirt, with the platform button, the effect of “1+1>2” will be achieved after it is buttoned. With the increasingly vigorous development of the fourth industrial revolution led by digital technology, key technologies such as big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, augmented reality, 5G, and artificial intelligence have made considerable progress. Domestic economic development constantly requires the accelerator of science and technology.

     The process of producing scientific research results is compared “from 0 to 1”. When scientific research results are converted into productive forces, the effect of "from 1 to N" can be achieved. Through the robotic interconnection of people, machines, and resources, and the combination of digital and advanced manufacturing technologies, we have promoted the development of new production methods and business models, which provide great potential for more efficient resource allocation and more sustainable economic development. The digital technology, with its rapid development, extensive coverage, and unprecedented impact, is becoming a key force in restructuring global factors and resources. It will reconstruct the global economic structure and reshape the global innovation landscape.

    The new era of digital civilization is an era of unlimited opportunities, as well as an era of rapid innovation and constant change. We will face challenges, seize opportunities to build new advantages in the digital economy, and make the industrial economy smarter.

本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com

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