【平阳县】The digital economy leads the way for the future
Nowadays, digital technology has been deeply integrated into our lives, and artificial intelligence has made our lives colorful, convenient and convenient. Intelligence has become a topic that accompanies us at all times.
"Intelligence" is subtly changing our lives. In the past, "driverless" was unimaginable, but now, "driverless buses" and "driverless cars" have been put into operation in multiple pilots, which makes our travel safer, coincidentally, "Unmanned operation supermarket" has also become an emerging mode of operation, it is also equipped with face recognition, body temperature detection, health code traceability, brush face payment and other intelligent technologies, full of scientific and technological sense, which also makes our lives more convenient and fast, "smart" is not only reflected in "no one", but also reflected in a variety of intelligent robots, the voice assistant on the mobile phone is the most powerful evidence of human-computer dialogue, it can simply talk to us, help us open the software, search for information, in addition to voice assistants, I believe that everyone is no stranger to Alpha Robot, it has defeated the Chinese Go master with excellent computing power and never tired mental state, and the topic of "artificial intelligence will eventually replace humans" has also spread on the Internet, these examples can reflect the power of artificial intelligence and the convenience brought to our lives.
"Smart" is not only to add color to our lives, but also to economic empowerment, August 22-24, 2022 China International Intelligent Industry Expo was held in Chongqing, this expo broadened the vision of China's domestic large and small enterprises on digital technology understanding, filled the gap in China's digital technology, formed a complementary relationship between exchanges and interoperability, strengthened cooperation between various enterprises, and injected new vitality into economic development.
The digital economy is changing with each passing day, it is constantly innovating, and the integration with traditional industries is deepening, we must not only perfectly integrate the digital economy into our long-established traditional industries, but also be committed to promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional industries. Make the two both complementary and independent.
The platform for the development of the digital economy will be broader, the height of the development of the digital economy is constantly increasing, and its future development is still infinitely promising. Let us work together to promote the development of the digital economy with the determination of "holding fast to the green mountains and not relaxing", accelerate intelligent innovation, and face the difficulties that may be encountered in the future development with the calmness of "flying clouds and chaotic crossings", and walk on this road with hope with the perseverance of "perseverance and perseverance" of "gold and stone".
本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com
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