【平阳县】A new growth engine for China's economy
Under the background of normalized epidemic prevention and control, the digital economy will accelerate the pace of development, become a new growth engine for Chinese economy, and help realize economic transformation and upgrading.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, our life and work have moved from offline to online. From waking up in the morning to check the epidemic data, confirm whether there is a diagnosis in the same flight to online tutoring, online consultation, health care Fresh Express; from remote check-in, online recruitment, online meetings, to document collaboration, work submission... From offline to online, the digital evolution of society has accelerated in an all-round way.
More profoundly affected are social services,the digitalization of social governance and the accelerated upgrade of intelligent manufacturing. Health codes, travel codes, etc. can effectively serve the epidemic prevention and control and resumption of production and work; if without the intelligent transformation of industrial production, production and delivery during the epidemic is almost impossible.
What is visible is digital services, and what is invisible is digital infrastructure. While ensuring people's livelihood, the digital economy is becoming an important engine for high-quality economic development.
The digital economy is a new driving force and engine for China's economic development. During the epidemic prevention and control period, whether it is the application of big data in tracking the spread of the epidemic, the emergence of new technologies such as drones to measure body temperature, or the growth of new industries and models such as online office and online entertainment, the digital economy shows great vitality. In fact, the trend of digitalization has already existed, and epidemic prevention and control has only accelerated the arrival of the digital era. According to the calculation,our country’s total digital economy accounts for more than 1/3 of GDP, and jobs account for about 1/4 of the number of employed people. The driving and leading role of the digital economy in country's economy continues to increase. It can be expected that the digital economy will accelerate the pace of development under the background of normalized epidemic prevention and control, become a new growth engine of China's economy, and help realize economic transformation and upgrading.
Every setback in human history breeds the possibility of progress. In 2003, the SARS epidemic promoted the start of digital industries such as e-commerce; at present, the new crown pneumonia epidemic will promote the digital economy to a new level. In response to the scientific and technological revolution, continuous filling of technological gaps and strengthening of new infrastructure construction will surely achieve good interaction and two-way empowerment of industrial digitization and digital industrialization, and open up a broader space for economic growth.
本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com
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