【苍南县】Smart Technology: Empowering Economy, Enriching Life
The Smart China Expo 2022 was held in Chongqing, which is an important window to observe the new trend of China’s digital economy. As one of the world’s most active countries in digital development, China has accelerated the digital transformation of its traditional industries, and accelerated innovation in multiple application scenarios such as production and livelihoods.
The digital economy is driving economic development. The white paper on the global digital economy recently released shows that the scale of China’s digital economy has ranked second globally, and the scale of China’s digital economy soared from 11 trillion yuan in 2012 to 45.5 trillion yuan in 2021, accounting for 39.8 percent of China’s GDP in 2021. While creating new technologies, new formats, and new platforms, digital technology is increasingly integrated with traditional industries, becoming a “digital engine” that promotes the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. Intelligent production lines and industrial robots are saving labor costs and increasing production efficiency, while industrial internet platforms and digital information systems are able to optimize resource allocation and analyze detailed production progress.
The digital technology is leading a better and smart life. When digital technology becomes an important part of people’s daily life, it will lead to a beautiful and intelligent life full of possibilities. We can control our intellegent household appliances conveniently with voice interactive systems, and we can use assisted driving system in order to improve driving experience. What’s more, digital technology is widely applied to construction of smart cities. With the help of big data analysis and artificial intellegence, smart cities will realize scientific, refined and intelligent management to ensure high-quality development and operation. Digital technology has been deeply integrated with all aspects of our life, creating new scenes unique to the digital age, and constantly improving our sense of gain, happiness and security.
The digital technology has become a key area of international collaboration. The booming digital economy has become a new focus area for international cooperation, which China has been deeply involved in, allowing digitalization, networking, and intelligence to add impetus to economic and social development. More than 550 companies from 19 countries and regions participated in the Smart China Expo 2022, bringing the latest intelligent achievements and creating more than 1,500 application scenarios, confirming the attractiveness of market in China. Against the backdrop of economic globalization encountering adverse currents, China has opened its door wider and wider, demonstrating its pattern and ambition to share opportunities with all parties. China should continue actively participating in international cooperation in the digital field and making the digital economy more open and inclusive.
With its day-to-day deepening integration with traditional industries, the digital technology is driving economic development, is leading a better and smart life, and has become a key area of international collaboration. Meanwhile, developing the digital economy is key to achieving economic recovery and promoting sustainable development.
本文转自:温州新闻网 66wz.com
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